Thursday, September 20, 2007

MGHO #9 Yes

In the midst of all my anger and financial frustration today, my boyfriend said it best:

"The rich people have collections, the poor people have bills!"

Monday, September 17, 2007

MHGO #8 This whore

My gentle audience, I have felt much about the motherfucker asssucker bitch herpes eating Larry Craig ever since he happened upon my gay ass. Firstly, this motherfucker goes against everything I stand for, even though I am sure he will take advantage of the young boy scene. What a fucker!

I hate this fucker like every queer boy should. I have petitioned to get gay rights at my local bar I go too.

At the same time that I am mad, I find myself victim. Not because I feel that gay men and women do not deserve these rights, but more that at the time that it is prevelent, we promote these actions as militant.

My gay, lesbian, and trans brothers and sisters deserve what is written under the constitution of the untied states.

The constitution.

The constitution.

The constitution.

You are put in a position to adapt the real world to what our fathers meant, one world, under god, for all to share, we are all equal.

Thanks for your support of equal rights.

(my company employees at least 40% gay men)

MGHO #7 iFucked

Like many people, you are fucked. Yes thats right, you are fucked! You see, apple does not warrant any of its products and we are all suckers for the wonderful design. This raping of the queer eye of design is one of the most bullshit motions of technology in the last 21st century of modern design. I feel that Apple has taken advantage of the queer eye to promote its product and making milions of dollars whilst you are relaxing and chilling by the fire. Buy apple if you must, but for the reality of Americans that follow technology, and the queers that are blogging their hearts out...wave high!
