Saturday, February 28, 2009

Rebirth of a Pukka (whats a pukka?)

So, in the last 2 months since my birthday (jan 18th in case none of you knew) Mj and I have been on a wellness kick. Since then I have quit smoking, lost 25lbs (since this message) and have taken up physical activity and/or working out 4-5 times a week. I feel great to say the least. You would think it would be the opposite, but there is some truth to the exercise factor and endorphin release factor that makes a gay man exist with a little more spring in his step.

Mj and I have been together for about 4.5 years now and we are still growing strong. The only casualty has been a wooden Ikea cutting board. I love MJ so much and sometimes it makes me think how lucky I am to have the relationship I have. I have lived through parental abuse, divorce, and the most severe sadness and sorrow, yet whenever I recount how long it took me to get out of that phase, I am amazed how short a time it can take a person to find ultimate happiness in the right situation. This right situation was MJ. I love you honey and wanted to make sure I got to write it down.

-P Face

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