Wednesday, March 31, 2010

MHGO #56 Newsflash

Listen. People cheat. It happens every day and no one pays attention. I am amazed at this whole celebrity cheating scandle thing that has been the hottest news since 9/11. I mean really?

I have 2 points.

1. Sandra Bullock needs to divorce his ass and get a 10. Really honey fuck him. He is a fucking freak and you deserve a 10 not a 7.5.

2. Elan you are a retarded bitch. If my ex was Tiger Woods, I would totally understand, and he would not be my ex. He is TIGER FUCKIN WOODS! You know how many girls want to throw him some strange? As long has he kept food in my belly, gas in my Bentley, a mansion over my head and YSL shoes on my feet.. I hope he fucked her good.. and whats for dinner? Bitch you screwed up... oh and Tiger.. stop crying. You have the biggest balls in golf and a shit ton of money.. go bang a stripper... or 20.

That's just my humble gay opinion


Sunday, March 28, 2010

MHGO #55 Potato sprouting roots

Sometimes I feel like absolutely no one cares about me. I know this isn't true. My mind knows it is not true...but it seems this way sometimes.

It is really HARD for me to do the daily things that everyone may take for granted. I want to go out and breathe fresh air.. I want to get coffee. I repeat.. i want to get coffee so bad. I used to do this everyday,and will never take it for granted again.

I really do feel that I am truly alone. When you spend 24-48-72 hours alone with out as much as a phone call this happens I suppose.

Really we take life and human contact for granted. I am pissed at the world.. it isn't good.



Wednesday, March 10, 2010

MHGO #54 Couch Potato

Last Thursday, 3/4/10 I fell on some ice and fractured my right fibula and also managed to twist my ankle in such a way that it tore a ligament and I required 2 screws in my ankle to secure my bones so the ligament can re-attach.

I am off work for at least 6 weeks and going on STD (short term disability). This sucks beyond belief. I spend my days texting people, playing World of Warcraft, and trying to get people to come and visit me.

Just an entry to catalog an event in my life. More to come as I go stir crazy i am sure. Cabin fever is a bitch.
