Thursday, April 16, 2009

MHGO #44 Taxes

Dear readers, it is appropriate that at tax time, I (Marshal-the-mega-bitch-annoying-bitch-cunt), expresses his opinion once again. My anger is based on the following:

1. Gay men and women continue to have the highest per cap in many U.S states.
2. Gay men and women refuse to acknowlege our/their place in America beyond being a public joke on Will & Grace, or a closeted designer on Christopher Lowell (we all know your gay you asshole).
3. Being that I and my partner are gay and fuck in the ass we have been relieved of our basic human rights as decided by our constitution, and yet not many people see anything wrong with this, because the ghost of Jesus disguised as an Easter Bunny came to them overnight and gave them Snickers Cadbury Eggs.
4. Being that said Cadbury Eggs are not sugar free, and therefore make me very depressed.
5. Being that unlike other pussy fucking Americans (sorry its true) I pay the same, and usually more taxes than you, the same medicare and social security as you, have to try twice as hard as you out of fear of predjudice (unless it is a job at Starbucks...then its ok... gays make good coffee.) to get the same or god for bid more pay than you......


Can someone please define how much more debt we have to pay to society to be seen as equal?

Just a think.

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