Thursday, January 28, 2010

MHGO #50 Getting Taller

Getting taller is an amazing song in the "real" Broadway Musical "NINE". In the song the main adult male lead is serenaded by himself as a youth. The song basically is about why the man can't get himself together when he knew more and seemed much smarter when he was a youth.

It seems that all of us can connect to this at some point in our lives. How many of us have said "If I knew then what I know now" or more relevant to this metaphor, "life was so much easier when I was young". Well why can't it be that way? Why can't we understand our conflicts we give ourselves as adults and decide to NOT have them. We should all close our eyes for a moment a day and remember to look at the things we have through a child's eyes..I think things would be so much less stressful. Things would just look pretty instead of costly. People would be seen for the fun you have with them, and not for what they are wearing or how attractive they are. I never remember being a child and thinking wow I bet he has a great body....well maybe not every time.

Could be true, could be false. But it is most certainly My humble gay opinion.


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