Thursday, July 30, 2009

MHGO #46 Harry

Wasn't it that movie "When Harry Met Sally" that they were the best of friends but figured that sex would ruin the relationship? I think I am going through the opposite. I think sometimes I fear that being the best person in the world would ruin our relationship. Maybe it is that if I act a certain way he will expect it. Or, conversely if I don't do all the things I am supposed to I can get away with it. I know I have been and am being selfish.

Trust me friends that is a hard thing for a bull nosed man like me to say.

I hope this all goes well. I really do. I have decided today that I no longer wanna be the asshole of the world. It was funny for awhile but now it is wearing thin. I would like to have said that it was me, but I know sometimes it was forced for other peoples laughter, and maybe that is what has caused my partner so much grief.... and that sucks.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

MHGO #45 Me

Well, MJ and I are going through a rough patch right now. Yes somethings were my fault.. but this was just the most recent.

Here is what I find shocking. Most of the people have come to the aid of MJ. This leads me to believe that people think I commited some sort of atrocity towards him, and/or that he is hurt. Do people think I am that bad of a person? This has led me to some serious soul searching. Maybe I am a huge asshole. Well I know I am... but I just didn't think it translated into "if something goes must be Marshal".

These are our mutual friends. If things remained this way between MJ and I is that how the dividing line would go up?

Curious questions.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Bruno.. and my thoughts

Readers.. I don't know what really to say about this film. It definitely is not Borat. Where as Borat was more tongue in cheek with its humor, Bruno (coincidentally both named with a B.)which is more shock than value. Don't get me wrong, MJ and I laughed our gay asses off at all the lewd and unexpected parts of the movie that we have come to love from Sasha.

I especially loved one of the final scenes where Bruno is trying to disquise his homosexuality as being a straight wrestler. Bruno is met in the ring by his former gay assistant and comes out to America for the first time to geers and thrown beers by the crowd. This is a shocking, troublesome and saddinging representation of the way homosexuals are unfortunately more than not treated in this country. What a way to wrap up a piece that straight America could laugh at till the last 5 minutes.

On the way out of the theater I heard 2 groups of people say how much they hated the movie. HA HA I love Free Speech.
