Thursday, August 30, 2007

MHGO #6 I'm afraid I am starting to fade away

So today, rather yesterday, I started my medicine again. No, it is not serious it is just an anti-anxiety-depression thing. I wonder if I am how i was before I got on this medicine. More importantly will it be good for me to be on it.

All these things are going through my head as I sit here. I'm better than a few hours ago but definitly feeling a little funny. My husband says jokingly that I feel "Normal". Maybe he is right. Maybe it is all just anxiety. Thats why I am taking the drug in the first place anyway. I don't been to be existentialist but I was sitting here thinking to myself that maybe the feeling I have is me fading away. The Nine Inch Nails song came to mind of the same name, and it kinda spooked me.

I don't think I have ever been afraid of medication, and I am certainly not now. But I do wonder if what we put in our body takes over and the part or parts of us it wants to control just fade away.

I found this attached to my drug description:

Cymbalta: Black Box Warnings

incr. risk of suicidality in children, adolescents and young adults w/ major depressive or other psychiatric disorders esp. during 1st months of tx w/ antidepressants vs. placebo; weigh risk vs. benefit; in short-term studies of antidepressants vs. placebo, suicidality risk not increased in pts >24 yo, and risk decreased in pts >65 yo; observe all pts for clinical worsening, suicidality, or unusual behavior changes; not approved for pediatric use.

You DON'T need to worry about me.

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