Friday, December 28, 2007

MHGO #12 Bloat-be-gone.

I just got done watching Steven Kings "Thinner", and I truly believe this is the diet meant for me.

With that being said, does anyone know an old pissed off gypsy man? Bloat-be-gone!!!!!

MHGO #11 ___ to the world!

Finally the year is over. I placed all the necessary calls on Christmas day and said all the expected, stereotypical, comforting bullshit. Why do we find it necessary to fit these exercises into our regimen on these highest of holidays? The reasons I call my family is 75% because society expects me to do so, and doing it in front of my boyfriend and his family earns me another 3%,and 22% percent to evade a fight and to ensure the "nice" conversations and rare checks keep coming.

It is weird for me, a gay male, to throw stones at any holiday, but in my 27th year of absurdity I find myself required to bloat and expel.

Ooooo work it out you new years baby!!!!!!!


Thursday, December 20, 2007

MGHO #10 Creative Writing...

I am up late and wrote this poem. It is VERY deep in some subjects, and yet very trite in the same degree.

Luminous is the sky, what a sight, what a toll. And my father walked under to bring me to the world. I saw as I came what I would be and all, and I sank and became enchanted by the old.

The ways they washed through me, not a word not a voice. And I grimaced and laughed for the man I had become. For the man I now see would have to forgive twice.

Watch now and sing…O’ the drums and the toll of the bell that rings inside and out of the life I made…here it is , buzz, buzz. Hello.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

MGHO #9 Yes

In the midst of all my anger and financial frustration today, my boyfriend said it best:

"The rich people have collections, the poor people have bills!"

Monday, September 17, 2007

MHGO #8 This whore

My gentle audience, I have felt much about the motherfucker asssucker bitch herpes eating Larry Craig ever since he happened upon my gay ass. Firstly, this motherfucker goes against everything I stand for, even though I am sure he will take advantage of the young boy scene. What a fucker!

I hate this fucker like every queer boy should. I have petitioned to get gay rights at my local bar I go too.

At the same time that I am mad, I find myself victim. Not because I feel that gay men and women do not deserve these rights, but more that at the time that it is prevelent, we promote these actions as militant.

My gay, lesbian, and trans brothers and sisters deserve what is written under the constitution of the untied states.

The constitution.

The constitution.

The constitution.

You are put in a position to adapt the real world to what our fathers meant, one world, under god, for all to share, we are all equal.

Thanks for your support of equal rights.

(my company employees at least 40% gay men)

MGHO #7 iFucked

Like many people, you are fucked. Yes thats right, you are fucked! You see, apple does not warrant any of its products and we are all suckers for the wonderful design. This raping of the queer eye of design is one of the most bullshit motions of technology in the last 21st century of modern design. I feel that Apple has taken advantage of the queer eye to promote its product and making milions of dollars whilst you are relaxing and chilling by the fire. Buy apple if you must, but for the reality of Americans that follow technology, and the queers that are blogging their hearts out...wave high!


Thursday, August 30, 2007

MHGO #6 I'm afraid I am starting to fade away

So today, rather yesterday, I started my medicine again. No, it is not serious it is just an anti-anxiety-depression thing. I wonder if I am how i was before I got on this medicine. More importantly will it be good for me to be on it.

All these things are going through my head as I sit here. I'm better than a few hours ago but definitly feeling a little funny. My husband says jokingly that I feel "Normal". Maybe he is right. Maybe it is all just anxiety. Thats why I am taking the drug in the first place anyway. I don't been to be existentialist but I was sitting here thinking to myself that maybe the feeling I have is me fading away. The Nine Inch Nails song came to mind of the same name, and it kinda spooked me.

I don't think I have ever been afraid of medication, and I am certainly not now. But I do wonder if what we put in our body takes over and the part or parts of us it wants to control just fade away.

I found this attached to my drug description:

Cymbalta: Black Box Warnings

incr. risk of suicidality in children, adolescents and young adults w/ major depressive or other psychiatric disorders esp. during 1st months of tx w/ antidepressants vs. placebo; weigh risk vs. benefit; in short-term studies of antidepressants vs. placebo, suicidality risk not increased in pts >24 yo, and risk decreased in pts >65 yo; observe all pts for clinical worsening, suicidality, or unusual behavior changes; not approved for pediatric use.

You DON'T need to worry about me.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Parents of Ms. South Carolina

um... yeah.

MHGO #5 Such as..South Africa and "The Iraq"

Ok. I am not the brightest crayon in the box and nor do I pretend to be. But If I would have ever given an answer like Ms. South Carolina did at the Ms. Teen USA pagent, I would expect everyone I know to hit me upside the head and slap the shit out of my parents.

Who says: " Help Americans to read, such as the South Africa and The Iraq"? I feel bad for even posting it, cuz I honestly feel it will make you stupid by listening to this stupid bitch talk. Thank god for the bell that shut her the fuck up. In case you didn't see the video yet. I have reposted it here.

What a fucking retard! Enjoy!

MHGO #4 Rexina Grossman & Carry Wood

When watching the Cubs game last night I came to the striking realization that there are NO WOMEN in professional sports. Well, I guess I should rephrase that and say that there are no co-ed professional sports besides Nascar and Hockey.

Ok, logistics aside I want to say that I think we could win a lot more games if we put women on our sports teams. Who could hit a line drive with Carry Wood on the(your) mound. Yes that was intended, shut up! Or who would want to wreck the pretty face of Rexina Grossman as she delicately prances with the ball to pass it to that little man way down yonder?

Well, that might be a little extreme, but lets at least look at the profit side of it. Women would accessorize the hell out of their uniform and all the necessary bags they bring to the field. You could have a bat coozy and a glove warmer for baseball and cute little buttons (think crocs) on the cleats and streamers on the goal posts!!!

To be honest, I felt a little sick last night realizing that we as men have excluded women from what is called our national past time. I looked around the room at all the women fans and wondered if they felt the same way. Or were they just dreaming of the glove warmers......

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

MHGO #3 Tops vs. Bottoms

Why must we fight over supremacy? "Top" and "Bottom" has been a subject of much debate in every gay relationship and at every chat room and around the world. So who has the power? Who is the alpha male? Most people (gay men that is) would say that the power goes to the Top, because he is the one that has the unit that goes in the..well you get my drift. :-) I happen to have a very confidant boyfriend that begs to differ on the subject.

My husband has a little club he calls "BP" or Bottom Power. Now this little club is of the thought that bottoms are in charge because you need his ass to get yourself off. Without it, BP claims that Tops lie powerless with Rosy Palmer as a backup plan. I don't think this is entirely right though. Doesn't it and shouldn't it take two people? Is it really up to just one person to be the deciding vote on who is in charge of giving pleasure?

So then you have to look at the more stereotypical actions of these so called Bottoms and these so called Tops.

Tops kill bugs....bottoms scream at bugs.

Tops fuck ass....bottoms make sure the ass is clean for the top. (aren't they good!)

Tops have to get into fights for the bottoms....bottoms are ususally the ones causing and instigating the fight.

Yes I'm a top. And in my mind I will always be in charge. Or is that just what BP wants me to think?

I ultimately think that everyone is a little of both. I guess if it wasn't for the Bottoms there wouldn't be Tops to take care of them.

Monday, August 27, 2007

MHGO #2 Michael Vick

Here puppy puppy! Saw the other dogs face off! Thats real lovin isn't it folks. Michael Vick of the Atlanta Falcons pleaded guilty today to dog fighting charges. I don't know how I feel about this, because at the same time that I know dog fighting is wrong, I still think (in a sick way) he can do what he wants with them. I mean I have a real hard time, and always have giving a dividing line to what is freedom and what isn't. Now I believe dog fighting is wrong, but I also believe fighting in general is wrong.

Now before everyone gets all crazy and shit on me I want to clarify that I don't think it is right. But isn't wrestling the same thing? Haven't people died from wrestling? Isn't there gambling in wrestiling in Las Vegas? I just don't like to be a hypocrite. He is playing football for fucks sake!

One thing for sure is I believe he was a victim more than ever because this has been (to my knowledge) the first big celebrity dog fighting case. I really feel sorry for the people that are always the poster boys for crimes. Yes I feel they should be punished, but I feel that they are prone to being punished more because it is fresh and new and popular. Oh and hey Michael...don't drop the soap! WOOF!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

MHGO #1 Lindsey Lohan

It is of my humble gay opinion that Lindsey Lohan is bullshit. Well, rather that the justice system is bullshit and she is lucky. I can't believe that this trash (Lohan) got one...yes one day in jail for cocaine posession and drunk driving. I can't believe our justice system is so fucked that this is allowed to happen. The judge must have been a huge prancing "mary" to give her that sentence.

"Please, Ms. Lohan we need more stellar movies from you.. I will only give you one day!!!"

She should have got the book thrown at her like every other person in the world would have. Why do we treat celebrities like this? Are we this ignorant America?


Welcome to this. This is just what it says. This is My Humble Gay Opinion. Shit aggravates me and I decided, well, I needed to write about it. Thanks for stumbling upon this...