Friday, December 4, 2009

New direction

Dear MHGO team and fans,

Today I announce a new era in My Humble Gay Opinions and Gayborhood Radio Enterprises. My Humble Gay Opinion is protected under creative commons and the domain is protected years out so now is the perfect time to re-create what I thought this brand could be. What you will see in the coming days is the reincarnation of this brand.

MHGO is no longer about relating to me but rather searching for advice. MHGO will provide you the reader with the most up to date analysis,reviews and sensory descriptions of the latest (gay friendly) hair, body, and skin care products. I have 2 years under my belt in this industry and love soaking up information about what we all spend money on.. ourselves!

Get ready.. the best is yet to come, and you may even look better in the process!

Your Author and Host,


Sunday, October 11, 2009

MHGO #48 The great diversion.

Maybe its because I work in the beauty industry that I am so passionate about Diversion, and Diverted product. Diversion is "an activity that diverts or amuses or stimulates". Diversion often occurs in the beauty industry by people and often large groups buying items on sale and then selling them and/or re purchasing them for a higher price later. Diversion has become the bane of the professional hair care industry and L'Oreal is cracking down hardcore in its own way. Read below of one high profile case involving a Las Vegas Casino:

Las Vegas Story

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

MHGO #47 Partly Cloudy

I have decided that it can't be perfect. The omnipresent "it" being life. "It" just can't be. For nothing else than the fact that I have lived almost 30 (yikes) years of my life without that groundhog showing its indication of summer or fall.

I think Groundhog day is a good day to rely on the oblivious. You really don't have to commit to anything and your whole moral principle is based solely on a mythical interpretation of a subversive mammal.

Just think if we could live our whole lives this way. Do you really owe this bill.. what does the squirrel see tomorrow?.. nope you are free and clear! What an amazing concept.

Why should this play so prominent in our weather forecasting and yet we still see our democratic process as a fair and even process nation wide?

If your gay do you get to vote on the groundhog? Do you have a couple more months of winter...or will America wise up? Makes ya think....


Thursday, July 30, 2009

MHGO #46 Harry

Wasn't it that movie "When Harry Met Sally" that they were the best of friends but figured that sex would ruin the relationship? I think I am going through the opposite. I think sometimes I fear that being the best person in the world would ruin our relationship. Maybe it is that if I act a certain way he will expect it. Or, conversely if I don't do all the things I am supposed to I can get away with it. I know I have been and am being selfish.

Trust me friends that is a hard thing for a bull nosed man like me to say.

I hope this all goes well. I really do. I have decided today that I no longer wanna be the asshole of the world. It was funny for awhile but now it is wearing thin. I would like to have said that it was me, but I know sometimes it was forced for other peoples laughter, and maybe that is what has caused my partner so much grief.... and that sucks.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

MHGO #45 Me

Well, MJ and I are going through a rough patch right now. Yes somethings were my fault.. but this was just the most recent.

Here is what I find shocking. Most of the people have come to the aid of MJ. This leads me to believe that people think I commited some sort of atrocity towards him, and/or that he is hurt. Do people think I am that bad of a person? This has led me to some serious soul searching. Maybe I am a huge asshole. Well I know I am... but I just didn't think it translated into "if something goes must be Marshal".

These are our mutual friends. If things remained this way between MJ and I is that how the dividing line would go up?

Curious questions.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Bruno.. and my thoughts

Readers.. I don't know what really to say about this film. It definitely is not Borat. Where as Borat was more tongue in cheek with its humor, Bruno (coincidentally both named with a B.)which is more shock than value. Don't get me wrong, MJ and I laughed our gay asses off at all the lewd and unexpected parts of the movie that we have come to love from Sasha.

I especially loved one of the final scenes where Bruno is trying to disquise his homosexuality as being a straight wrestler. Bruno is met in the ring by his former gay assistant and comes out to America for the first time to geers and thrown beers by the crowd. This is a shocking, troublesome and saddinging representation of the way homosexuals are unfortunately more than not treated in this country. What a way to wrap up a piece that straight America could laugh at till the last 5 minutes.

On the way out of the theater I heard 2 groups of people say how much they hated the movie. HA HA I love Free Speech.


Friday, April 24, 2009

Mass distribution crushed again...

Now,and in the past I have been a huge supporter and advocate of Pirate Bay

Unfortunately,as of April 17th, this organization has been found guilty of copyright infringement, and faces up to a year in prison and several very large fines. Pirate Bay believed that by ignoring copyright laws and distributing media in mass quantities to the masses it was helping the artist more than hurting them. If you look up the interview with the founders on Yeast Radio (search pirate bay) you will understand my passion and also my sadness at this occurrence.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Gay Tax Troubles

Read this story now! Click the text below:
Giant tax headaches for gay couples.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

MHGO #44 Taxes

Dear readers, it is appropriate that at tax time, I (Marshal-the-mega-bitch-annoying-bitch-cunt), expresses his opinion once again. My anger is based on the following:

1. Gay men and women continue to have the highest per cap in many U.S states.
2. Gay men and women refuse to acknowlege our/their place in America beyond being a public joke on Will & Grace, or a closeted designer on Christopher Lowell (we all know your gay you asshole).
3. Being that I and my partner are gay and fuck in the ass we have been relieved of our basic human rights as decided by our constitution, and yet not many people see anything wrong with this, because the ghost of Jesus disguised as an Easter Bunny came to them overnight and gave them Snickers Cadbury Eggs.
4. Being that said Cadbury Eggs are not sugar free, and therefore make me very depressed.
5. Being that unlike other pussy fucking Americans (sorry its true) I pay the same, and usually more taxes than you, the same medicare and social security as you, have to try twice as hard as you out of fear of predjudice (unless it is a job at Starbucks...then its ok... gays make good coffee.) to get the same or god for bid more pay than you......


Can someone please define how much more debt we have to pay to society to be seen as equal?

Just a think.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

MHGO #43 thnx

I was totally put beside myself in the last few days by a dear friend of mine calling me "brilliant". For those of you who have followed me for years, you know I have surpassed several personal barriers of mine, including beating Fox news and being in the same list as Howard Stern for best comedy podcast. I have done all that so even though I get pressure daily do re-do my podcast, and yes I eventually want to do it again...... today is not the day. Today became harder than ever before because my friend Alex called me brilliant.... This man was/has been an inspiration for me professionally and personally. I do love podcasting and I love giving someone something to laugh at.. but now it means more. Alex, I don't feel more pressure because of you... if anything I thank you for the honesty and pressure to be the best.

I think I am coming back whores.. suck it up and blow it out your box, cuz here I cum.


Saturday, March 28, 2009

MHGO #42 30 years of barf

A 30 year tradition in Chicago has died. In the last 30 years the "South Side Irish Parade" has become a binge drinking tradition and an expected reason for employee call-offs on Monday morning.

The city of Chicago officially announced the cancelation of the repulsive (yes my opinion) specktakle of drinking and public urination on Monday, March 23rd.

I went once to this "event", and after trying to get to the actual parade route for 2+ hours, I turned right around. This parade/retardedness brings shame to the city and has evolved into something the initial founders in 1979 would have never have intended.

The city is one more step towards a healthy city.

Monday, March 23, 2009


I wanted to take a chance randomly to say thank you to all the peeps that read and especially those that subscribe to the site, you have truely kept me going the last 4 years.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

MHGO #41 The State of the Hood..

Once upon a time I was young, not as young as you may be reader, buy younger than I would intend you to be when reading this. I live in Chicago with my boyfriend of whom this story effects more than I, but I only have the strength to write.

It starts like this. I remember 3 years ago. I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember getting yelled at for the same shit I get yelled at for now..No one said the time would fix everything. I remember never worrying that the people in this memory would never be discernible in the future. Why in the world would I think about one of my friends never being there for me or furthermore us? The reason escaped me and I never entertained the matter again.

Later it happened, I was forced to face what I never wanted to do. My friend was too fucked up to wake up to live life, or I was waking him up so me and emergency services knew he was ok. There is a funny thing that happens to you during a two year break fight with all your might to not care....when I say with all my might I truly mean it because we would accept this person at his most low if he had the strength to say he would give up. Alas he does not.....and we are left friendless...and here starts my plea:

Dear Crystal Meth,

Please stop taking my friends from me.......


Sunday, March 1, 2009

I'm 40

This is my 40th post and with it I thought I would address one of the most annoying aspects of my job as a manager for (edited) the beauty store . Why can't you bring your fucking club cards in??? What is so hard about putting a cheap card into your wallet or pocket or whore purse?

Secondly, no I don't want to look you up. I mean I understand my obligation as a manager and leader to do what I would wish my cashiers to do, but essentially I do not want to look you up and don't give a fuck if you get something from it or not. Be responsible. Why do you expect free rewards when you can't do something as simple as bring the card in for the lowly cashier to scan.

Your such a bitch...

-P Face

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Rebirth of a Pukka (whats a pukka?)

So, in the last 2 months since my birthday (jan 18th in case none of you knew) Mj and I have been on a wellness kick. Since then I have quit smoking, lost 25lbs (since this message) and have taken up physical activity and/or working out 4-5 times a week. I feel great to say the least. You would think it would be the opposite, but there is some truth to the exercise factor and endorphin release factor that makes a gay man exist with a little more spring in his step.

Mj and I have been together for about 4.5 years now and we are still growing strong. The only casualty has been a wooden Ikea cutting board. I love MJ so much and sometimes it makes me think how lucky I am to have the relationship I have. I have lived through parental abuse, divorce, and the most severe sadness and sorrow, yet whenever I recount how long it took me to get out of that phase, I am amazed how short a time it can take a person to find ultimate happiness in the right situation. This right situation was MJ. I love you honey and wanted to make sure I got to write it down.

-P Face